A Fictional, Novel Series
Jordan Duncan’s thrilling journey continues as he enters the dark world of international white-collar crime. Unleashing the Beast is a gripping tale inspired by real-life fraud, money laundering, and tax evasion cases.
The 1998 Tax Reform and Restructuring Bill brought the IRS to its knees. Congress appointed a new IRS Commissioner to create a gentler collection approach. Tax corruption is rampant, costing hundreds of billions of dollars in lost revenue.
Steven Kramer, a former FBI agent, takes the helm as the IRS Criminal Investigation Division chief. His charge is to combat corporate fraud while remaining sensitive to special interest groups and political contributors. Kramer steps outside the box by unleashing maverick special agent Jordan Duncan.
As a murderous double-cross propels Jordan to Switzerland on a tax evasion case, he finds himself in a high-stakes battle against powerful global billionaires. The struggle to control century-old gold reserves escalates into an epic heist in the Swiss Alps.
Now a suspect, Jordan must navigate the treacherous waters of Swiss confidentiality laws, which threaten the global financial market. His only way out is to prove his case for tax evasion, thereby avoiding a life behind bars.
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